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When they’re stuck choosing between a brick extension or a traditional conservatory, many homeowners want to know ‘how long does a conservatory last?’ to help them make their final decision.

The average life expectancy of a standard conservatory used to be around ten years, but, with experienced fitters, modern installation methods, the use of high quality of materials, and proper maintenance, buyers can now expect a uPVC conservatory to last around 25 years (and then some).

If you have the space in your garden and need the extra space in your home, a conservatory is likely to be the least disruptive and most budget-friendly building option, but before you hand over your deposit payment, you also want to be sure that your conservatory is worth it.

Get the best value for your investment by learning how you can extend a conservatory lifetime by as much as possible.

Through highlighting what to look out for in the early stages of planning a conservatory build and how to keep your conservatory in the best possible condition once it is built, we’ll help you make up your mind over whether investing in a conservatory is worth it or not.

What decides the quality of a conservatory?

When weighing up the elements of your conservatory, there a few things you should consider that will help you to get more time and even more enjoyment from your conservatory over the years:

Conservatory Frames

Conservatory frames typically come in a range of hardwearing materials including wood, aluminium, and PVCu which, when looked after properly, are designed to look great and last a long time.

When thinking about a conservatory with a PVCu frame, aim for the highest specification you can find to give you the most durable conservatory frame to last for decades.

Opting for sculptured PVCu frames made with high quality raw materials, will ensure your conservatory maintains its appearance over the years without discolouring.

And, the mitred fusion welded joints of SculptureFrame PVCu conservatory frames, offer greater structural strength too.

This extra reinforcement combined with a multi-chambered structure, means you’ll get a long-lasting frame that also offers energy efficiency by retaining heat for extra insulation when you need it.

conservatory frames

Conservatory Roofing

Choose the best quality roof materials for your budget. Lightweight aluminium and PVCu conservatory roof frames are extremely durable and, when installed correctly, can reduce the risk of leaking helping to prolong the lifespan of a conservatory even further.

When it comes to choosing between polycarbonate plastic roof panels or double glazed glass roof panels, it’s worth weighing up the long-term value each option brings.

Although they tend to be more expensive, glass conservatory roofs will last longer, look better for longer, and offer better insulation, giving you greater value for money in the long run.

conservatory roofing

Conservatory Glazing

When the windows make up around 75% of the finished conservatory, choosing double glazing that incorporates the latest glass technology is a shrewd investment.

From reflective surfaces to insulated panels, choosing the best quality glazing possible will not only mean your conservatory windows will stand the test of time but will also help you to get the most pleasure out of your conservatory over the years.

conservatory glazing

Conservatory Doors

Whether it’s an interior or external door, opting for fully sculptured conservatory doors made from high quality PVCu offers additional structural strength, and a streamlined appearance.

Plus, when you include a reliable locking system too, you give your security a boost.

Choosing doors that make your conservatory stronger and safer is yet another way you can get more years for your money.

conservatory doors

How important is to get a conservatory guarantee?

Using high quality materials for your conservatory build will go a long way to ensure you get the longest service from it by helping to protect the structure from discolouration and damage like warping and cracking.

But for extra peace of mind, a 10 year conservatory guarantee is important to have in place should your conservatory ever need repair during this period, giving you responsive access to experienced technical advisors who can give you free advice or arrange replacement of any faulty parts quickly.

How to extend the lifetime of a conservatory?

Once a high spec conservatory is in place, there are things homeowners can do to take care of it.

Preserve your conservatory and extend its lifetime by knowing how to clean and maintain it properly.

Clean your conservatory

Look after your conservatory by cleaning it regularly. Start with regular housekeeping chores like dusting and hoovering the interior on a weekly basis to keep dirt to a minimum and your conservatory interior cared for.

Clean conservatory windows regularly and wipe over any exposed PVCu sections, inside and out, several times a year to prevent the build-up of dust, dirt, and mildew.

This will help you to keep your conservatory looking at its best and will keep the structure in good condition.

Read more: How to keep your conservatory clean

Maintain your conservatory

If you notice any warping or cracking, its best to attend to repairs as soon as possible to prevent leaks from appearing or worsening.

With a conservatory guarantee any problems with the roofing or frames can be fixed quickly, often without affecting the rest of the structure.

Read more: Conservatory maintenance

Manage the temperature of your conservatory

A conservatory can also last longer with adequate temperature regulation. Appropriate ventilation through roof vents, opening doors and windows, and UV reflective glazing can help to keep your conservatory cool in summer.

And try adding a single heater in winter, to help reduce the amount of condensation on windows and moisture in the air that could otherwise contribute to the growth of mould and mildew.

Read more: How to manage the temperature of your conservatory

Now you know the answer to the question ‘how long does a conservatory last?’ and the steps you need to take to prolong the conservatory lifetime, you’ll also know that investing in a conservatory is definitely worth it.

Contact the expert team at Conservatory Land for a free quote and the next big decision you’ll need to make is which conservatory furniture to buy.

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